Latest Library Loots & Publishers Parcels

I haven’t quite finished ‘Her Fearful Symmetry’ which is hard to believe as it is so gripping but I spent last night watching The Rocky Horror Show in Wimbledon and so didn’t get a word of reading done in the evening. Will crack on and finish at lunch as have to read The Law and the Lady by Sunday, which I don’t think will be difficult as am sure will be another of Wilkie Collins books that leaves you hooked and unable to do anything other than turn pages, well and maybe make a cup of tea or two! 

So instead of doing anything on either of those thought would share not what I have bought of late as I did that the other week (and been on a book buying ban ever since). Instead what I have recently pilfered from the library. Pilfered is the wrong word as I am borrowing them, it just sounds good, maybe I have been spending too much time in the fictional 1880’s? 

Latest Library Loot

  • Kill the Grief by Caroline Rance – I have wanted to read this ever since I saw Jackie’s review on Farmlanebooks. I love the line in the blurb “from the bleak Wirral shore, to the screams of the operating theatre, and from a backstreet gin shop to the dungeons of the gaol” sounds very me, so will be following the fictional story of nurse Mary Helsall soon.  I wanted so much for it to count as Sensation fiction but sadly its 100 years too early, still is a perfect read to have alongside as is quite dark and disturbing, not for the faint hearted.
  • The Frozen Deep & A Rogue’s Life both by Wilkie Collins – Not his sensational fiction but can still fit them in as they are both very quick reads and would like to try some ‘non-sensation’ works of his.
  • Duplicate Death by Georgette Heyer – I didn’t get on too well with ‘Simon the Coldheart’ so swapped it for some of Heyer’s crime fiction, hoping this one will be much more up my street. 
  • Q & A by Vikas Swarup – The Converted One wanted this and I will probably give it a whirl afterwards. I refused to see the film at the cinema for my own silly stubborn reasons but borrowed the DVD from a friend and we thought it was amazing!

There have also been some arrivals from some publishers I wanted to mention. The very lovely people at Duckworth publishing has seen my blog on Julie and Julia – The Movie the other day and sent me ‘My Life in France’ by Julia Childs which made me do a squeak of glee. They also sent me ‘War on the Margins’ which is about Jersey during the war and the Nazi’s occupation of it. I loved ‘The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society’ and found the subject of these islands in that time fascinating so this should be brilliant.

Publishers Parcel

You will also see that I have not one but two copies of the latest Louis De Bernieres (I have not read anything of his yet, is that shocking?) novel, well collection of stories, ‘Notwithstanding: Stories from an English Village’ which is based on his time growing up in rural England. This isn’t a memoir though as the author is “plagued by a novelist’s inability to stick to the truth”. The characters sound wonderful… “English village was a place where a lady might dress as a man in plus fours and spend her time shooting squirrels with a twelve bore, or keep a vast menagerie in her house. A retired general might give up wearing clothes, a spiritualist might live in a cottage with her sister and the ghost of her husband, and people might think it quite natural to confide in a spider that lives in a potting shed.” I am not sure I will be able to hold myself back from reading this for long. Which is a good thing for all of you as the spare copy is for a giveaway I shall do on the day!

What have you acquired of late? Have you read any of these or anything by the authors? As always, do let me know your thoughts, I best get off here and start reading!


Filed under Book Thoughts

23 responses to “Latest Library Loots & Publishers Parcels

  1. I’m pleased to see that you found a copy of Kill-Grief. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it as it is very gruesome!

    I also see you have Q&A. I loved that! Have you seen the film? I haven’t watched it yet, but the book had everything – comedy, tragedy, and a great plot. I hope you love it as much as I did.

    • Thank you for pointing out I had missed that one. I think its because it was more ‘The Converted One’ who requested it than me, though am looking forward to it!

      I wanted to hate the film but loved it, its made me want to read the book. I also want to try his other book Six Suspects.

      • Six Suspects was very disappointing in comparison, but you’ll probably finish Q&A and rush out to get it anyway – just beware of high expectations!

      • Oh no Jackie dont say that before I have even read either of the books! I might now go in with a slightly negative mindset now you have said that. Mind you with my pile of books will be amazed if can read one let alone two of his books in the near future!

  2. How lovely of Duckworth to send you a copy of My Life in France; they were the hosts of the film screening I attended and I have the copy of the book I was given sitting beside me as I speak.

    I also received a copy of Notwithstanding this week; I loved Captain Corelli’s Mandolin so looking forward to it.

    My best package this week though was my copy of Her Fearful Symmetry, which I am going to settle down with this weekend. I am very excited. Glad you are enjoying it.

    I dressed up as an obligatory french maid to see The Rocky Horror Show once during a very cold November; before the show the fire alarm went off and I was exceptionally cold outside although probably not as cold as all the Franks.

    I need to return books to the library today and I suspect I’ll pick up a copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, as I haven’t read it and everyone else seems to and loved it.

    • I have gone over my limit with books, I merely popped in to get a copy of Corduroy Mansions last night and left with yet more books…

      The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett
      UFO in her Eyes by Xiolu Guo
      Between the Assasinations by Aravind Adiga
      Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup

      How does it happen, am now over my limit of 15!

      • Oops! Is your copy of The Shuttle a Persephone one? I loved it; I received it as a Secret Santa gift last year and indulged in it over the festive period with it accompanying me on the flight home (home from there home to here home).

  3. Oooh, I was completely intrigued with Kill Grief because of Jackie’s review. I am all about gory, stomach turning plots. I laugh whenever you say you are on a book ban. How long will this one last? Probably not long, I would bet! I am on a ban as well, but if you walk into a book store, you have a pathological need to buy them!

  4. Mm, lovely bunch of books to read. I’m jealous of you seeing the Rocky Horror Show – I saw it in Ipswich a few years ago and it was the most fun I’d ever had at a play. The narrator kept slagging off Essex girls (that was towards the end of my stay in Essex so I was used to it :P).

  5. lizzysiddal

    My September book ban went for a burton a while back i.e 09.09.2009 – I had to celebrate the date in some way and then the local charity shop was closing down and then I found a first edition of Wolf Hall ….

    I’m impressed that you’ve lasted a fortnight.

    I started again today …. almost 18 hours and counting! One minute at a time, eh?

    • Whats a burton?

      I have just been reading all about your namesake in the new Audrey Niffenegger which is a wonderul book, ignore the pomp reviews its brilliant.

      It is indeed one minute at a time, I have fallen off the wagon this morning, but who knows tomorrow I may not buy a single book!

      • lizzysiddal

        Oh no! I was going to avoid the new Niffenegger at all costs because I detested TTTW. I hope Audrey does the lovely Lizzie justice ….

        No idea what a burton is … must research the saying.

        Oh, and I just bought another book – but it doesn’t count because it was a gift. Thing is I sneaked another book in the parcel – Wilkie Collins’s Basil. That’s the sensation season for you!

  6. I still have not read the Julia books or seen the movie but I’m very interested in the subject! Of course, now I’ll never get them from the library 😦

  7. nice books this week, especially appealing to me are the wilkie collins. enjoy!

    BTW: i am anxiously waiti to read more reviews on Her Fearful Symmetry.

  8. I have Notwithstanding too and I am enjoying it sooooo much!

  9. Wow, a lot of books:) Happy reading!

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