Savidge Reads at the Man Booker Prize 2018

So I have been an absolute tinker and let the second half of the year whizz by and get much busier than I meant to. I didn’t even post about doing Cheltenham Literature Festival last week on here which is very shameful of me. I swear I should change the blog to Savidge Apologises. Anyway, at Cheltenham I was talking about how much I have been missing blogging and how now things are winding down before Christmas (yes I mentioned the C word, sorry) I wanted to get back to it. So sat in my hotel with a bit of time to kill I thought ‘let’s make today the day’ and today is a particularly bookish day as it is the announcement of the winner of the Man Booker 2018 and I am going to be there… and on the telly ‘live’ talking about the shortlist on BBC News 24 and BBC World with the lovely Natalie Haynes and host Rebecca Jones. I know. Imagine. If you would like to watch it from 9.30pm UK time you can on the BBC News 24 channel or BBC World channel, here and/or here.


I have been reading the books over the last few weeks since I came back from San Francisco, we have so much to catch up on, and have lots and lots of things to say. So much so that it won’t fit into the BBC show and so my next few reviews will be of the six shortlisted books. It is fair to say I have feelings about lots of them, the good, the bad but definitely not indifferent, which I think makes it an interesting shortlist. So fingers crossed tomorrow my thoughts on the winner will go up. I have no idea who will win, the opinion is really divided all over social media, I do have a personal favourite. But you will have to watch the BBC show to see which one it is.

Speaking of which I had better go and iron my shirt and get my glad rags on. I will be doing some instastories from the dinner and party, so if you would like to see more follow me over on Instagram. In the meantime I would LOVE to know who you think will win the Booker this year and why, plus (of course!) any thoughts you have on the shortlist, longlist and the titles that made them both. Tell me those thoughts…


Filed under Man Booker, Random Savidgeness

9 responses to “Savidge Reads at the Man Booker Prize 2018

  1. Looking forward to watching it, have fun Simon!

  2. Hey Simon! Don’t apologise, always a treat to receive new content from you, be it video or blog post. I’ve read Milkman, and I think it will definitely be a book that will continue to challenge (in a good way) in years to come. I’m guessing The Overstory is what most people are hoping would win, but I think being written by an American might work against it. I haven’t read it yet, but I think it would be interesting to see The Long Take win.

  3. Cat

    I am 100% guessing The Overstory will win although I’d actually prefer it to go to Milkman!!

  4. Alex Kerner

    Definitely cheering for Washington Black (which I kind of suspect you are too)

  5. Carol S

    Milkman, though I suspect Washington Black will win

  6. Ann Fuller

    No need to apologize — enjoy reading your blog whenever you have time. Being busy is a good thing.

  7. Carol S

    Watched you and was impressed!! Even more when Anna won, spoke and acknowledged me! Her work is unique, brave and spot on.

  8. Well done, Simon, (and you looked dishy too!)

  9. A kiwi in Oxford

    A real treat to see you on the telly last night and to have you back on the blog. The only book I had read was Daisy Johnson’s Everything Under which I really enjoyed. Will have to try some of the others now as well.

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