Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion and Jewellery – Leanne Shapton

I think for the purpose of my book thoughts today, and also so that I don’t wear away my fingers to stumps, I will simply call this book ‘Important Artifacts and…’ from now on as they have wisely done on the spine. When I first heard about this novel I didn’t see how on earth someone could depict a love affair from the very start until the unfortunate end through photos of the effects bought and written during its time. Yet at the same time I was very much intrigued and what followed was one of the most unusual and delightful reads and reading experiences I have had in a while.

I am still pondering if ‘Important Artifacts and…’ is a novel or not as it does tell a tale incredibly well yet isnt a straightforward novel. I suppose in some ways you could classify it as a graphic novel but then its photographs not illustrations, in fact it verges on coffee table material. Sorry let me explain for this is no ordinary book of the tale of a failed relationship from start to end. Instead what we have is an auctioneer’s catalogue filled with items accumulated, dedicated and savoured from the relationship of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris who met at a Halloween party in 2002.

There is nothing particularly special about Lenore and Harold or the artifacts that they collect and yet that is why it works so well. We have all made people a special CD with songs aimed just for them (or even in some cases made tapes), taken photo’s of them doing mundane things as Harold does with Lenore putting on lipstick, and kept flyers for gigs we went to. Mine are all in a huge pile of shoe boxes, I have been keeping them since I left home at sixteen and that’s what made it so vivid for me, I have done all these things. I did occasionally think did they ever go out for a meal somewhere nice and not keep a match box or ever savour a programme from the theatre, but then maybe they weren’t utter hoarders like I am. 

The beginning of the relationship and the urgency of that next meeting and how hard it is not to see this wonderful new exciting person its wonderfully portrayed and chronicled through a series of postcards Harold sends Lenore from work trips away almost daily.

I thought the fact (I say fact like its real, see it got me good) that the couple read the same plays and books as each other whilst one was ever away was possibly one of the most romantic things I have ever read. In fact books are a big thing for the couple and there are masses of battered copies of well read books throughout filled with inscriptions. My very favourite was a wonderful copy of Nancy Mitford’s ‘The Pursuit of Love & Love in a Cold Climate’ in which Harold has written “Loaned to Lenore on the eve of my departure to London, Dec 11 2002. To be claimed upon my return. Don’t lose my place. H.”  

Relationships and all their highs and lows can be very difficult to create in fiction and have a reality to them. They might not capture the excitement at the start, then the moments of missing someone madly, the stage when the honeymoon period ends, the initial delight in routine, the peaks and toughs after yet here Leanne Shapton has done it near pitch perfect.

I have to say after closing the final page I found it most difficult to believe that Lenore and Harold has actually been works of fiction because through all their belongings I had lived through the relationship most vividly. Through a completely new medium I think that Shapton has created a wonderful work that captures a couple and their relationship in its entirety and in an utterly convincing style. I think this book is something quite special. I wonder what Leanne Shapton will do next as this will be a tough book to follow.


Filed under Bloomsbury Publishing, Books of 2010, Leanne Shapton, Review

24 responses to “Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion and Jewellery – Leanne Shapton

  1. I heard the author interviewed on Radio 4 a few months ago – before Xmas I think – and jotted down the title. Well, some of the title anyway. It sounds really interesting.

    • Its a very unusual read and takes you a little while to get into and the style but once you start reading you cant stop. Its now sitting very proud on my lounge coffee table so others can come and dip in to it before then having to go and buy it because the are addicted. It’s a nosey persons paradise.

  2. I have seen this one around a few times and at first I thought it must have been non-fiction! I think it is an amazingly creative and imaginative idea from the author and for that reason alone I will have to check it out.

    • Its a really different way of writing a novel. I was umming and ahhing if this would qualify for the Orange award as its original but then realised it would fall into last years… I am so behind.

  3. What a strange and wordy title! I haven’t actually heard of this one before. It sounds very different and inventive.

  4. This sounds really interesting, despite the slightly awkward title. Have to agree that it’s terribly romantic that they read in tandem and the dedication in the Mitford is lovely. Definitely being added to the TBR list!

    • The title is rogue but then I guess it gets the book noticed. I love the idea of reading in tandem, sadly The Converted One is not as converted as I would like so will never be happening in this household.

      The fact a Mitford book was even in this book made me love it all the more. In fact many its time for Love in a Cold Climate.

  5. gaskella

    I had seen the cover of this and dismissed it as some sort of collectables catalogue – now I know it’s not, it sounds delightful and wacky and I want it! Onto the wishlist it goes.

    • I dont know where I heard about this book but until I knew more about it I though very similar things to you and couldnt see the point which is a shame as people really shouldn’t miss out on such an original read.

  6. I love the idea of this – I leafed through it in Foyle’s a while back and it looks so interesting, and so convincingly like an auction catalogue. Great review; I’d love to read it. Though from the library, of course!

    • Yes I think if you see a copy of this at the library then you really should get your mitts on a copy. I know we havent met but I think it could be a very you book. Having said that you may hate it and I will be most vexed.

  7. What a unique premise. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a book like that before. I’m intrigued. But wow, that title is so long!

  8. selena

    I’ve only seen you review this one and it’s on my list. I’m completely sold. May have to go get a copy today, seeing as I work down the street from Elliott Bay Book Company…

  9. Beate

    I bought my copy some weeks ago because of some very friendly comments in one of our “quality papers” and liked it at once ! It’s a very diiferent approach to telling a story – but a nice one. Whereas you normally have to imagine the characters you can see them here. That leaves no room for imagination but my mind was quickly following other tracks, e.g. right at the beginning there’s a photo that has got holes in all four corners – so must have been hanging somewhere. I at once started wondering where the photo had been displayed, why it was taken away…..
    Nice one, that 😉

    • You are right Beate and I didnt cover that in the review actually. You would think that because of all the pictures you wouldnt need to have any imagination but like that photo which you wondered where it was stuck I found myself wondering where some of the notes, letters and dedications were written.

  10. I’d heard of this and thought it sounded an interesting idea but unreadable – your great review makes me want to get hold of a copy! (I also love the idea of reading the same books as each other whilst they’re apart, how lovely)

  11. Pingback: An extraordinary look at two ordinary lives « Gaskella

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