Time… For Your Thoughts!

Does anyone else feel a little bit cheated today? Does anyone feel like they have lost an hour this morning to enjoy a delightful read in bed, in the bath or just with your elevenses? Yes me too. I am enjoying Blackmoor so much that frankly this spare hour that has vanished has thrown me into a small sulk. I know it’s Sunday so it’s a nice relaxing day anyway but still, I want that hour back. It’s some kind of time stealing skulduggery that’s what it is.

Mind you it did get me to thinking about Time both reading wise and book wise. Can you believe that some people actually think that reading a book is time wasting, there have been a few books that I have felt that way about, but reading as a general rule I think is one of the most rewarding ways to spend your time. So now its time for you feedback (do you see what I did there) I thought I would ask you all some questions relating to time and see what you all come up with. I shall also have a go too. So here are ten time based questions with my answers beneath each and I would love you to all have a go…

What time do you find the best time to read?
Hmmm, I could read all day but I have four main reading times. Thirty minutes when I get up, on the tube, in the bath and an hour or two before bed.
What are you spending time reading right now?
Blackmoor by Edward Hogan, already am deeply entranced by all the mystery in the book which being set in the 1990’s I didn’t know if would grip me but it has.
What’s the best book with time in the title you have read?
Without question for me it’s The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, I actually want to read this again before the movie comes out.
What is your favourite time (as in era) to read novels based in?
I would say Victorian and Tudor are my two favourites with Victorian novels being my very favourite as it’s such a dark point in history. I also like books set around The Plague, is this making me sound strange.
What book could your read time and time again?
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.
What recently published book do you think deserves to become a classic in Time?
I think it would have to be The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer or The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite by Beatrice Colin.
What book has been your biggest waste of time?
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, which actually has a time theme, I insisted on finishing it but don’t know why I did.
What big book would you recommend to others to spend time reading if they haven’t?
I would have to recommend that anyone who hasn’t read The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins must, or Darkman’s by Nicola Barker which is huge but well worth it. I on the whole prefer shorter books as you can read more of them.
What’s your favourite read of all time?
That is a really hard one I could list about five that tie for this however as have only one choice it would be The Complete Tales of Sherlock Holmes by the great Arthur Conan Doyle which you can read in parts or simply devour.
Who is your favourite author of all time?
Hmmm that’s a tough one I can think of three, but again as only one choice I would say Daphne Du Maurier, as yet I haven’t read a book of hers I haven’t like and two of her novels would make it into my top ten books of all time.

I look forward to hearing all your responses! So let me know either in my comments of by leaving a link if you decide to do it in your own blog and get other people you know doing it as I think the answers could be very interesting, even if I do say so myself.


Filed under Arthur Conan Doyle, Audrey Niffenegger, Beatrice Colin, Daphne Du Maurier, Edward Hogan, Mary Ann Shaffer, Nicola Barker, Wilkie Collins

11 responses to “Time… For Your Thoughts!

  1. claire

    Simon, love the meme. I must really read Rebecca soon, it’s been on my TBR for ages, lol. So I’m playing and my post is here. Thanks! Have a great week! 😀

  2. Book Psmith

    Good morning. I answered the questions here…


    I read Sherlock Holmes for the first time this year…I don’t know what took me so long. I could read all day too and haven’t done so since I was a teenager. I will get another chance with Dewey’s read-a-thon. I have added The Guernsey book to my TBR list, I have heard so many wonderful things said about it. Thank you for the fun questions.

  3. James

    A timely set of questions for which my response may be found here:
    However, there is no guarantee that I would give the same answers if asked another time.

  4. farmlanebooks

    Great questions – I’ll try to answer them some time this week.

    Your answers show up big differences in our reading tastes! I hated Darkmans, and I loved Cloud Atlas! It is very strange how we can agree so much on some books, but have very polar views on others.

  5. Juxtabook

    Good questions! Sadly, time wise after my disasters this week i am still behind at work. I will try and fit this meme in though. I certainly felt robbed of that hour this morning. The five year old had a party 11am-1pm. So we had to be ready for her to go all dolled up and present in hand by 10.30am. 9.30am on the body clock – over excited 5 year old is not good for a start on a Sunday

  6. Rose City Reader

    I was robbed of my hour two weeks ago, which was doubly unfair because I had completely missed that it was early this year. Threw me into a tailspin.

    Great meme. I’ll go back and go through it more slowly.

  7. fleurfisher

    What a great set of questions. I’ll come up with some answers in the next few days. Re Rebecca – I love it too, but have you read My Cousin Rachel, which is possibly even better?

  8. candyschultz

    I found you through The Frugal Chariot and am doing this today also. We share the favorite book as I love The Time Traveler’s Wife. I also love all of Finney’s time traveling books.

  9. Savidge Reads

    Thank you all for the comments! I shall be snooping round all your blogs and your results shortly!

  10. farmlanebooks

    I’ve just put my answers up here:

  11. fleurfisher

    Answers here!

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