The Book Buying Ban… The Update (Part II)

Only earlier this week I mentioned that though it was in many ways painful and was taking some serious avoidance my month of no book buying hasn’t been quite as difficult as I thought it would. This is both thanks to ReadItSwapIt and the Library as I mentioned in the earlier post. I also said I had received some lovely parcels from some lovely publishers and would let you know what had arrived and so I thought as its a Saturday and book shopping is so tempting I would tease you with these delights that you could run out and buy; as none of you are doing anything as silly as a self imposed ban like I am hopefully!! First up some classics…

I have been making a concerted effort to read more classics and two publishers you cant go wrong with are Vintage Classics and Oxford University Press. When a rather large thud resounded through the building from the letterbox I came down and found ‘The Bronte Collection’ which includes Wuthering Heights, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Villette and Jane Eyre. I will admit I didnt love Wuthering Heights but after reading The Taste of Sorrow by Jude Morgan which is all about the sisters earlier this year I think a Bronte-Binge is on the way and the season after New Year seems perfect for this don’t you think? Might be a good Xmas pressie for relatives this Christmas maybe. (Hang on did I just mention the C word before December starts – I should be ashammed!) They also sent The Wapshot Chronicle by John Cheever and a huge collection of his letters. I havent read any Cheever but am thrilled about these two delights. Oxford University Press kindly sent the last of the Sensation Season novels (don’t cry they may be back again next year) in the form of Charles Dickens ‘Great Expectations’ along with George Moore’s ‘Esther Waters’ which hit my attention waves on BBC Radio 4’s Open Book show when they looked at neglected classics. Be warned – the neglected classics are dangerous list of books which could lead to a huge spree.

From the people at Harper arrived a very diverse collection of books in one big parcel, the postman is not a fan of this address – his arms certainly aren’t, quite an eclectic mix indeed. Two of the books are from thier new imprint Blue Door ‘The Ballad of Trench Mouth Taggart’ (great title) by M Glenn Taylor and Mots d’Heures: Gousses, Rames by Luis d’Antin Van Rooten the latter can only be described by a post on their new blog. Sounds bizarre but will give it a go. They also sent me Snow Hill a thriller by Mark Sanderson, who has written a memoir so heartbreaking I have owned it for years and never able to read, Mark will be doing a Savidge Reads Grills very soon. Last but not least by any means as actually this is one of the books I have been most excited about in weeks (as you know I am having an Agatha Christie binge) is ‘Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks’ compiled by John Curran, I had to stop myself reading it as soon as it arrived. It’s a treat for a very lazy Sunday.

Now in a few weeks I will be doing a piece on the books to look forward to over the next year, you can see the predictions I made for this year here should you wish. Already some are coming through the letter box and Sceptre have done some very clever marketing with a collection of three books and three characters “you simply must meet in 2010”. They are called Nevis Gow, Lindiwe Bishop and Jack Rosenblum and I shall tell you more about them in the forthcoming weeks. I just love how they have packaged it all, no titles or authors on the cover, intriguing.  Books already out arrived too and they are The Sorrows of an American by Siri Hustvedt, which I think has a stunning cover, and Incendiary by Chris Cleave and you all know how I loved The Other Hand.

Another massive parcel has arrived from Orion. I have succumbed to the latest in the Twilight Saga and it seems more Vampire delights await me with the first two of Charlaine Harris’ series about Sookie Stackhouse (great name) which have become the incredibly successful True Blood tv series. I haven’t heard much on the blogosphere on these but am very much intrigued by them as have seen tonnes on the tube.  The final tome that you can see is one thats not out until June next year but I have been priviledged enough to be asjed to take a very early look at. ‘The Passage’ by Justin Cronin is massive, comes with very little, though intriguing blurb and has already had the film rites bought by Ridley Scott, more on that soon too as I think this is going to be huge (and not just in size) next year. And finally…

It’s always nice when a publisher emails you be they big or small. I have to admit I hadn’t heard too much about Honno Press when they emailed me asking if they could send me a catalogue. Honno Press is an independent publisher of Welsh Women’s fiction (so a bit like a welsh version of Persephone if you are a fan) and they have a wonderful selection of books, they also go the extra mile as they went through my blog and picked three books they thought I would love. A welsh sensation novel ‘A Burglary’ by Amy Dillwyn, a book where “each generation looks back into the tragic past, loves, secrets and lies are hauled into the open with surprising consequences for all” in ‘Hector’s Talent for Miracles’ by Kitty Harri and finally a collection of witty, wry and sharply observed stories about women with ‘Stranger Within The Gates’ by Bertha Thomas. Sounds like they have got me spot on!!!

Blimey. Now over to you… are Bronte’s and other classics the perfect pressies for Christmas and reading as Spring… erm… springs up? Who has read the Charlaine Harris books, are they like Twilight? Who has tried Honno Press and what did you think?  What will you be curling up with this weekend? What books have you accumulated of late?


Filed under Book Thoughts

35 responses to “The Book Buying Ban… The Update (Part II)

  1. Some of us ARE doing something as silly as a self-imposed ban! I’m very envious of your books from Honno press as I have been admiring the books on their website for sometime.

    • Oh yes course some people are doing these bans arent they… hahahaha. I forgot, how could I when you have been such a shining example to me!?! Shameful.

      Honno Press I am very excited about I think I shall try the short story collection first!!

      • How long are you planning to hold out for? I’m buying myself a book for Christmas, but wonder if I can go as far as Easter/my birthday…depends how miserable post-Christmas blues make me!

      • I am planning on this just till December but the 2010 is going to be a whole other challenge i what I have planned works!!!!

  2. That is an impressive selection of books! I think I may have a weak spot for forgotten classics too!

    I was very impressed by your 2009 predictions – almost all of them were big successes! I look forward to seeing what you pick for 2010.

    • I think there is a certain mystery behind neglected or forgotten classics which is part of the attraction. I was trying to think what I would say mine were… but that might be a post for another time.

      I am already limbering up for my prediction post. It will be up in a week or so, or maybe on January the 1st am undecided, mind you I make my new book resolutions then.

  3. lizzysiddal

    Blimey – that’s some booty!

    (I’ve got my eyes on Honno Press – I think they’re publishing Clare Dudman’s new novel next year!.)

  4. I’m coveting your Bronte collection as I love those covers! Currently they are residing in my cart at BookDepository, I just have to wait for my boyfriend-imposed book ban to be lifted. 🙂

    • Hahaha so there are more people out there on some forms of book buying bans. The covers are delightful, the box they come in though is also utterly delightful. A very beautiful package all in all.

  5. Sweet – that looks absolutely fantastic. I’m really envious.

    I’m contemplating imposing some sort of book buying ban on myself… have loads of books lying around which I haven’t read, and it would be nice to bring it down to a respectable number!

    • I wouldn’t advise everyone to do a book buying ban as then none would get sold hahaha. But I do think now and again concentrating on what you already have, and what you might get as gifts, is defiately worth it.

  6. fleurfisher

    I’m very nearly lost for words.That is a wonderful selection of books, I discovered Honno by shher luck in the library and fell in love. I picked up a couple before my own book buying ban kicked in and I see myself reading many of their books in the future.

    • I don’t think I have seen a single Honno book in my library, I have managed to grab some Persephones and Hesperus books but they all seem to go like gold dust and am sure Honno are the same.

  7. Christmas – I’ve been seeing decorations and hearing the songs in the stores since Nov 1st!

    What a great stash!

    I am currently reading New York by Rutherford. I am now in the late 1700s, before the start of the American Revoluntionary War.

  8. I broke my ban last week and now I have shiny, shiny new books (will post when I can be fussed to get the camera out). Today I bought a Penelope Fitzgerad book called ‘Offshore’ when I wandered into Waterstones to pick up a little works Secret santa gift (teeny martini kit, not a book). I know, just the one book, but I was carrying some very heavy, unweildly bags at the time!

    • Oooh I will be looking out for those pictures as I always love reading those posts as I am proper nosey.

      I read Offshore a while back and really enjoyed it, it won the Man Booker (I think) though I might be wrong hahaha. I enjoyed it, short lots of characters and very interesting.

  9. Such lovely books! I’m envious of that boxed set of the Brontes works. I’ve not heard of Honno Press, but I like the sound of them already, so I’m off to check them out. Can’t wait to hear all about your new books!

    • The Bronte’s box is just a delight, makes it hard to put the packaging face away from you though. Honno Press were a company I had only heard about a few times through some reviews on Dovegreyreader.

  10. Who needs to buy books when you’ve got all these coming through your mailbox?

    Those books look lovely! I’m so jealous!

    Just read Tenant of Wildfell Hall a month ago. It was very good!

    • Hahaha thats very true though the last few weeks have been especially parcel happy after the loss of so many parcels during our aewful mail situation! Hopefully they will all turn up at some point!

  11. Uh, Simon. Lovely man with the lovely new stash of books. Perhaps a book acquisition ban of all sorts is in order? You did not buy any but you have still added quite a few to the piles. Maybe just give up and revel in all the goodies? The life of the print hedonist is lovely and nothing from which to shrink. 🙂

  12. Hi, Simon! I am so envious with the books you’ve received. By the way, I went to the bookstore yesterday and I bought several books for myself. Hehehe. I guess it’s my reward for going on for so long without buying any.

  13. Eva

    I’m not the biggest fan of Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights (but I think I’m due for a reread of the latter); I loved Tenant of Wildfell Hall though! Love those books from Honno Press-they look marvelous! 🙂 I haven’t read any of them though.

    I’m now in ‘I have one month until the end of the year, so I can see a physical limit on the books I’m reading’ mode, so I’ll be reading challenge books and making sure that my ratio of white authors to authors of colour stays balanced.

    • I havent read Jane Eyre yet so can’t really give any feedback on that one. Wuthering Heights was a bit of a painful read for me as it dragged and I didnt care about any of the vile characters. I might re-read it at somepoint.

  14. What pretty box sets! I always covet matchy books, and even more so if they come in a tidy little box. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of Tenant of Wildfell Hall – my sister’s just read it and she says Anne Bronte is made of badass feminist wonderfulness. 😛

    • Hahahaha badass feminist wonderfulness sounds a complete and utter must read. A few people have said to me that its the most underrated Bronte novel. I am looking forward to some Bronte time most definately. You must read The Taste of Sorrow… in fact everyone should.

  15. If you need anybody to help store all those Oxford University Press editions for you, Simon, look no further! I’d be happy to open up my home to those poor little refugees (esp. Great Expectations, which I am fairly eager to read, and Wuthering Heights, which I’m not so eager to reread but which has an incredibly perfect cover) if you’re ever short on space in the Savidge dwelling. Nice loot you got there, my friend–enjoy!

    • Hahahaha thank you Richard. I would take you up on the offer but at the moment with a two bedroom flat to fill I think I am doing ok for the moment. I have made a mental note of the offer though!!!!

  16. Just a random pop back to say you’re right I think, at least it was nominated. Honestly how is Penelope Fitzgerald not more widely read when she was involved with such a literay prize?

  17. Pingback: The Passage – Justin Cronin « Savidge Reads

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