Savidge Reads Heads To Sweden For A Holiday!

By the time you read this I will either be chewing my nails to pieces waiting to get on a plane, be up several thousands of miles in the sky in that tin can plane or be safely in Sweden enjoying a fortifying drink, of any variety. I am going to be spending a long weekend visiting Gothenburg, Fjallbacka, Valo Island and the Weather Islands as the Swedish Tourist Board are very kindly sending me off to the fictional murder sites (which looks rather ominous when you see it like that, ha) of the novels of Camilla Lackberg, who I have been devouring the series of in preparation. I absolutely cannot wait.

The Weather Islands

Instead of scheduling posts, or taking my lovely new purple laptop with me I have decided to give myself a well earned rest, post festival, and also give the blog a rest for a while. I plan a few days of adventure and exciting yet also some quiet time of thinking and just taking the world in and pondering. I think I need it. (I will be tweeting and instagramming as I go though. Ha!) Reading however I have most certainly packed for as you can see, all aptly Swedish.


Once I am back there will be no stopping me, I have a week of Swedish themed posts and a holiday to report back on, plus I have plans to gig the blog about a bit which I will mull over I am sure when I am not in awe at my surroundings over the next few days. Which reminds me… While I am away do please, please, please keep your questions and suggestions coming in.


Filed under Random Savidgeness

7 responses to “Savidge Reads Heads To Sweden For A Holiday!

  1. jananav

    That looks like a fantastic vacation! Enjoy.

  2. Great vacation, and I can’t wait to hear about the books.

  3. I like to see you have your priorities right – my suitcase packing also started off with a careful consideration of books… undies and swimsuits be damned!

  4. Mega jealous – if they want someone else to tag along do holler! The Hypnotist is ace btw!

  5. Hope you have a wonderful time 🙂

  6. Sounds like a wonderful holiday – I love Camilla Lackberg!! I’ve read The Hypnotist too, and it’s great. Have fun!

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